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In severe cases, surgery may be performed. It is used to fill the semicircular canal with bone chips. The surgical intervention method is used only in severe cases, as there is a risk of vermox pills. There is no specific drug treatment for BPH.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. causes, symptoms, treatment. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a balance disorder that is, firstly, transient - not permanent in nature, and secondly, it is always caused by a cause that does not pose an immediate threat to life, which is why the disorder is called benign.
For pathology to manifest, the body must occupy a certain position. A position occupied in the course of life involuntarily, or given to buy vermox online, for diagnostic purposes.
And everyone has experienced paroxysmal positional vertigo at least once in their life. the hitherto horizontal floor under your feet begins to slowly or quickly tip over to one side, or turns into a swing.
A little anatomy and physiology.
Benign positional vertigo has a favorable prognosis for recovery. BPPV is a safe disease and does not pose a threat to human life.
What outwardly looks like a swaying picture before the eyes may be accompanied by a redistribution of cerebrospinal fluid within the cavities of the brain and is perceived by the pressoreceptors of the nervous system, but not clearly felt.
For direct perception of the position of the body in space, nature has created a labyrinth.
Otoliths, with their slight weight, exert a certain pressure on the receiving device of the sense of balance analyzer - a section of specialized nerve cells, whose center is located in the cerebrum.
Since there are three semicircular canals, we always know what position we are in. Otoliths report the movement of mebendazole pills up and down, right and left, back and forth.
From the structure of the receiver of the balance organ, both the reasons for its failure and the symptoms of the condition emanating from them follow.